Who am I? Basically this question might taunting in our minds when we are alone. Yet, there might be so many queries yet the answers are too few. But nevertheless, this is the basic of human nature and relations that we have to know who we are.
Human relations is the art and practice of using systematic knowledge about human behavior to improve personal, job, and career effectiveness.
To be effective in human relationships, you must first understand yourself. Six methods for gaining self-understanding are to (1) acquire general information about human behavior and apply it to yourself, (2) obtain informal feedback from people, (3) obtain feedback from coworkers, (5) obtain feedback from self-examination exercise, and (6) gather insights in psychotherapy and counseling. Be aware of the self-evaluation traps of highlighting your shortcomings and unrealistically over evaluating your competences.
An important aspect of self-understanding is the self-concept, or the way a person thinks about himself or herself in an overall sense. The self-concept is based largely on what others have said about us. The work of a person performs is an important part of the self-concept. A strong self-concept leads to self-confidence, which is a basic requirement for being successful as a leader of a sales-person.
Thus, understanding oneself is the key to human relations.
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